All posts by smoraninva

FCC Awards for Innovation in the Internet of Things

FCC awarded Convo Lights for its new application, which leverages recent advancements in off-the-shelf lighting technology. The VSC allows users to customize visual incoming call notifications to trigger multiple colors, locations, and types of lighting in users’ homes and workspaces.  (Source: FCC.)

The award was one of seven announced by FCC’s Chairman, Tom Wheeler, in June, at the 4th annual Awards for Advancement in Accessibility (AAA). The awards honor innovativations in  communications technology that benefit people with disabilities. This is part of the FCC’s Accessibility and Innovation Initiative (A&I Initiative),  which facilitates ongoing exchanges between Government and  private industry. The seven award categories are as follows:

  • Augmented Reality
  • CAPTCHA Alternatives
  • Internet of Things
  • RealTime Text
  • Teleconferencing
  • Video Description
  • Miscellaneous.

(Go to for more information on the AAA.)